Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Changes in the house!

The house in continuing to change for the better! We worked on the yard last Saturday. Jamie mowed the backyard twice! We talked to the neighbor and they said it hadn't been mowed in at least 5 years! Wow! And I weeded the front of the house but left the two rose bushes. It was a very productive outside day.
The inside of the house continues to improve. We are able to wash clothes effectively now (after one flood due to a clogged pipe) although we are getting a new dryer because ours was damaged on delivery. We just moved our fridge into place after Jamie had to take off the drywall to get it to fit. It is much better! Patrick almost got stuck between the wall and the fridge. It was quite a sight ...very funny! We just finished the downstairs bathroom yesterday. The first floor is almost completed. Carpets are all in which is so nice! We will start on the second floor soon, laying the flooring and finishing up on paint. That's all for now.


Elizabeth said...

Wow! It sure looks nice. I like the grass and your living room looks so cozy. I bet you are starting to feel a little more settled. Glad you were able to get the fridge and carpets in!

Tricia said...

It is beginning to look like YOU! The living room looks great! I love the yard. You are making such a difference! Talked to Mom today and said you have made huge improvements already! Must be fun to do it together and see wha a difference your hard work can do!

leah said...

It's looking so great you guys! The yard is awesome. I want a picture of your new carpet!!