Sunday, February 24, 2008


Here's a group photo from our Clue Mystery Night at Jr. High last week. It was such a fun night. Jamie and I were Mr. & Mrs. Flamego (hence the bright pink outfit)

We finally called all the kids together because it was getting to the end of the night, and we revealed the murder etc... It was really funny because nobody guessed how the murder was done because when Jamie made the copies for all the youth poison was cut off their sheets as an option which was of course the answer to the game. Oops. How funny!

Anyways a fun night had by all! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine! We hope it stays for a while!


Elizabeth said...

Looks like a fun event! You two look awesome.

Tricia said...

The characters look great! I remember Colonel Mustard, and of course, Miss Scarlet! A great idea!

leah said...

Great costumes...looks like fun!