Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kuhn Christmas

Here are some pictures of the Faulkner kids at Pre-Christmas. Keira went home with a record amount of dolls but was more interested with boxes and bows. Michael went home with the hit Diego toy from Papa. And Aidan almost didn't get to open his crane from papa but asked dad and he said no but mom said yes. The oldest trick in the book.

And one of the tree on Christmas Day. Boy did we have our work cut out for us! We opened gifts all day. It was fun to take out time. We started the morning with coffee and land of nod (thanks Leah) and stockings followed by a big pancake breakfast to get our energy for opening gifts from each other. We continued this into the afternoon. They we had snacks and naps before dinner and dessert. Then Jamie and I hit the road to Victoria with full bellies and Christmas carols to pick up my parents.


leah said...

Sounds like a great day! Wish we had been there to celebrate with you all! Hope you had a good visit with your parents! That's so nice they were able to come!

Elizabeth said...

Yikes! Those are cute kids.