Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I have been Induced

Well this past Sunday I had my Induction service. Some people ask me what was going on and I told them i was being "induced". Anyways it was a great service, with good worship, and a great message from Wayne Stewart who is now the youth pastor at Shawnigan Lake Alliance church. He spoke on 2 Timothy 4 on principles of an Effective leader. Following the service we had a good chance to visit with everybody with cake and some wonderful words from my family. Thank you Mom, Elizabeth and Leah for your words of encouragement. I owe a lot of where I am to all my family... you have all been a critical part to who I am today. Here are some pictures that Kristin took during the service... enjoy!!!

Well i couldnt get the pictures to upload for some reason... arghhh


Tricia said... got my message...I'm so glad to hear that. It was nice of Allison to write to me about doing it!
Pray for the two of you everyday!

Elizabeth said...

Looking forward to seeing your pictures! Sounds like it was a very affirming service which is great!

leah said...

I was very sad on sunday not to be there with you on such an important and significant day! It sounds like it was a great service and that you were encouraged! Looking forward to those pics eventually too! And looking forward to your updates on what being the youth pastor of First Baptist is like! Miss you guys so much!

Tricia said...

I check please!! Jamie I went to the church website and I listened to your message last sunday morning and then, also, to Wayne's at your induction service. I was very moved to hear your message..even Ron and Pam came in and listened to it! My son, the preacher man...loud and clear and very good. Thank you for your message Pastor Jamie!