Friday, March 23, 2007

Aloha Mano

First we went to the air strip to look for the fusilodge and the drug plane from lost and we found it in a fenced off place behind the airstrip. Kristin and her bad self climbed throught the gate and took a bunch of pictures of the props... That was fun....

So today we had a few adventures...

Then we went back to our suite to bask in the sun and go swimming on the beautiful beach just across the road. We got there an quickly became hot so we went swimming for a while and then back onto the beach to sun tan. Then Chris spotted a turtle so we quickly grabbed our under water cameras and ran into the ocean to swim with the turtles and get some underwater pictures of the turtle. We couldn't find it so Chris and I continued to look for the turtle for about a minute and then I saw it again so I jumped in the water and swam after it. I came up out of the water and Kristin says..."I saw a fin in the water..." So I looked to see another turtle and she says..."No a shark fin..." so I slowly came to the beach thnking she was paranoid as usual. Well after further review we saw it again and sure enough there was a shark not 10 feet from me. We quickly ran and told some others that were swimming down the beach and the cameras came out and this is what we captured...
ps...Mano is hawaiian for SHARK


Elizabeth said...

Good thing for paranoid wives! Yet, she doesn't look so paranoid sneaking onto the Lost set:)

leah said...

That is so crazy man o man! You have saved Jamie from himself yet again Krisin...way to go! Who will save you from yourself you sneaky thing! Looking forward to all your stories and pictures! Your big smiles show the enjoyable time you are having!

Tricia said...

How terrifying! Yikes! That just goes to prove that you should always listen to Kristin...ALWAYS!!
I love the picture of the two of you...can you send me a copy? Pics do not print off blogs well at all! So glad you had a great, safe time!

Papa said...

Wow Jamie, you would have made a pretty good dinner for that shark!! One shark bite could have ruined your whole vacation. Looks like you all had a great time- lots of sun! All that sun should have prepared you for the hot weather here in Nanaimo.