Tuesday, February 20, 2007

OH NO... Our new car!

Well, many of you may know that my mom and sister were visiting this last weekend. Anyways on Sunday we all went out for lunch and then we had some time to burn before the Church Dedication. So we all decided to go for a quick walk down on the waterfront (Swyalana- spelling?). So we all ran down for a 30 minute walk since the weather was so nice.

We went for our walk and returned to the car and the driver's side window was GONE. Someone smashed the window in and took our purses (4 purses) from the trunk. It was quite a shock. The bad thing is there were passports, licences, house keys,cellphones, birth certificates, cash, credit cards...etc... They took everything. The police said that they were watching us. So we called the police and they came to see the car and take our information. It was and continues to be a fiasco due to replacing everything lost.

The problem that is most pressing is my passport. I was planning to go to Washington a couple weeks ago to see my grandparents but it fell through. So my passport and permanent resident card have to be raplaced among other things. Our Hawaii trip is in 4 weeks and counting. I am going to the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver on Friday to hopefully get an emergency passport.

Well, the good news is that I now know what to keep and not to keep in my purse, and not to lock my purse in the car. And I don't think that I will ever park in the lot near Sywlana again.


PCKUHN said...

Well, it's nice to see you two finally bloggin again. Hope you feel better soon Jamie and we prayed at small group for your passport and such tonight Kristen.

Tricia said...

What a terrible experience! Live and learn I guess...even little Nanaimo is not safe from the big bad robbers.
It is nice to see you blogging again!

leah said...

Oooohhhh...that is so horrible! Crazy how it could have happened so fast...what a way to ruin a great day! Hope everything gets worked out in time for the big holiday! Miss you guys and I'm soooo glad to finally hear from you...just cause you don't have kids doesn't mean aren't interesting! Don't be blogger strangers!