Friday, December 15, 2006

I Said "IGNITE" and thats exactly what happened!!!!!

Last night we had our Jr. High Christmas party at Ignite (our name for Youth Group) bad weather and all. It was snowing for a cople of hours in the afternoon and I almost cancelled, but in typical Left Coast weather it was raining and washed all the snow away. It was raining so hard that even the Youth Portable couldn't keep the rain out. We had three buckets in the youth room in order to keep the carpet damp instead of soaking. That was the start of our adventure...

We ordered pizza for the party because whats a party for Jr. Highers without pizza. I was in Costco and I had some little appitizers and thought to myself, If I were a Jr. High kid (its not to much of a stretch) would I want a little mozza stick or a piece of pizza. Needless to say we went with pizza. Well the pizza's arrived and one of my leaders dicided to put them in the oven until they were ready to be served. Well 7 pizza boxes wouldn't fit in the oven so this person (Not me) took out the oven racks and then put the pizza boxes in the oven.

Then I hear "fire.... Fire..... FIRE...." from Kristin and I see smoke pooring out of the stove top. Sure enough we had a good fire going. One of my leaders grabs the top 5 pizzas and get them out. Then the 6th one.... I am trying to put the fire out with a cloth.... not working... so I grabbed the flaming box and threw it out the window into the rain. Then I ran outside to stomp out the fire...... AHHHHHHH.... meanwhile Kristin is organizing a crew to prevent the sprinklers from going off. Well on the bright side of things the sprinklers did not go off. I guess when I decided to call youth group Ignite I didn't think anyone would take it literally.... especially one of my leaders. We had a pretty good laugh afterwards though. Its a good thing I am an easy going guy.....The joys of being a youth pastor.... this will make a good sermon illustration some day.... and a might good story to tell.

1 comment:

leah said...

Sounds like an exciting Christmas party! I'm glad no-one was hurt! You really are perfect for the job...easy-going and with just the right amount of sanity or should I say...insanity! He...He...! The new youth room will be nice to get into after your soggy/flaming party! Looks like you are settling in well to your new job and it sounds like you have some great plans for the youth there! God bless you guys...Miss You!