Monday, November 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our new Nephew - Axel Frank Bouma

Yeah! It's a boy!! Axel arrived yesterday September 15th in Victoria. He's pretty sweet!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Kuhn's and the Bouma's

These pics were taken on Saturday at Jamie's first wedding as the officiator. He did great! The wedding was for my sister's sister -in-law. It was a really fun day.
Annie as you can see is due in 3 weeks. Her due date is on my birthday (Sept.24) so we'll see if she makes it till then. We are helping Ryan & Annie move in tomorrow to their new townhouse. Annie is pretty excited to get settled in to their own place.
And we are excited to see our new niece or nephew in a few weeks! Yeah!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lookin' Good!

Here's the house. The Kitchen has made it through it's first full chicken dinner. I would say it's officially broken in! And I love the option of having a dishwasher to use. Although sometimes it takes a week to fill it up to do one load.

Things are busy here. Grad is in 2 weeks and then Jamie is taking some study leave and then holidays after that.

Here are some pics of the house. The continuing changes...

There's a great picture of the carpet too...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Changes in the house!

The house in continuing to change for the better! We worked on the yard last Saturday. Jamie mowed the backyard twice! We talked to the neighbor and they said it hadn't been mowed in at least 5 years! Wow! And I weeded the front of the house but left the two rose bushes. It was a very productive outside day.
The inside of the house continues to improve. We are able to wash clothes effectively now (after one flood due to a clogged pipe) although we are getting a new dryer because ours was damaged on delivery. We just moved our fridge into place after Jamie had to take off the drywall to get it to fit. It is much better! Patrick almost got stuck between the wall and the fridge. It was quite a sight ...very funny! We just finished the downstairs bathroom yesterday. The first floor is almost completed. Carpets are all in which is so nice! We will start on the second floor soon, laying the flooring and finishing up on paint. That's all for now.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

more pictures of the house

Here's the House - Check out the Changes

We got the keys last Thursday and we've been in there everyday since workin' away.
We've had lots of help which really helps! Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sr. High Clue Night

Jamie - Mr. Flamengo
Kristin - Professor Plum
Pat - Col. Mustard
Candy - Mrs. White
Dave- Mr. Green
Shannon-Miss Peacock
Cindy-Miss Scarlet

More House Pics

Friday, March 28, 2008

Our New House

Kristin and I bought our first house this week. It is on St. Andrews Street which is near the Church right near Mansfield park. It is a fixer upper which we are excited to get working on. We are going to tare out all the flooring and redo it all. I have some Douglas Fir flooring that has been offered to me at a minimal price so are going to put that on the main floor. then we will carpet the rooms. Its 1400 square feet with 4 bedrooms and a loft. It has a lot of potential that is why we bought it. We are also going to repaint the whole place. We get into the house on April 15th. We will live at Dad's till the end of the month while we work on the house. Anyways the Lord is really good as he has provided this opportunity to buy this house. Here are some pictures of the place for you to enjoy.

also check out this sight for more photos

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jamie in Mexico!

Hola Familia y amigos!
Okay that's all I am going to write in Spanish.
Just thought I'd tell you Jamie made it to Mexico fine and the church did a blog thing so you can look up to see the house progress etc... Check it out!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Here's a group photo from our Clue Mystery Night at Jr. High last week. It was such a fun night. Jamie and I were Mr. & Mrs. Flamego (hence the bright pink outfit)

We finally called all the kids together because it was getting to the end of the night, and we revealed the murder etc... It was really funny because nobody guessed how the murder was done because when Jamie made the copies for all the youth poison was cut off their sheets as an option which was of course the answer to the game. Oops. How funny!

Anyways a fun night had by all! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine! We hope it stays for a while!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Just thought I'd share some news that Jamie and I got last weekend.
We are going to be an aunt and uncle for the 7th time! My sister is expecting a baby in late September.
My baby sister is going to be a mom! Exciting huh!
Well, just thought I'd share our family news.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kuhn Christmas

Here are some pictures of the Faulkner kids at Pre-Christmas. Keira went home with a record amount of dolls but was more interested with boxes and bows. Michael went home with the hit Diego toy from Papa. And Aidan almost didn't get to open his crane from papa but asked dad and he said no but mom said yes. The oldest trick in the book.

And one of the tree on Christmas Day. Boy did we have our work cut out for us! We opened gifts all day. It was fun to take out time. We started the morning with coffee and land of nod (thanks Leah) and stockings followed by a big pancake breakfast to get our energy for opening gifts from each other. We continued this into the afternoon. They we had snacks and naps before dinner and dessert. Then Jamie and I hit the road to Victoria with full bellies and Christmas carols to pick up my parents.