Thursday, October 18, 2007

Gotta love the 80's!

We went bowling last night with Sr. Ignite. It wasn't just bowling though . . . it was 80's bowling. So here are a few pictures of our tribute to the 1980's!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


We had a BANANA-RAMA night a few weeks ago at Jr. High Ignite. We played games all night that had to do with bananas. We bobbed for bananas in jello, we fed eachother baby food (banana flavored of course), we measured things like the church in bananas, and so on... It was a really fun night! Enjoy the pics of our fruity night!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


We just returned from Minnesota yesterday after a fun week! We did lots of wedding preparations from Thursday and Friday. We were up early and up late. It was great to see everything come together. We had a personal shower for Annie. It was really fun we had chocolate fondu complete with a chocolate fountain! MMmmMMM! And Jamie went to Ryan's bachelor party where they went shooting at a gun range in Minneapolis.

Annie was beautulful! Her dress was beautiful and Ryan was a stud. They were so cute! They had a perfect day. We had a lot of fun getting to know their wedding party that came from all over the US and Canada. All in all it was a wonderful time! We can't wait to be able to visit them in Victoria in a few weeks!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


More picture of our trip . . .

The red barn is where we stayed when we were at my parents. My grandpa built it and we named it the LOVE SHACK while we were staying there, well oficially BERNIE'S LOVE SHACK. It was fun to stay in it.


Hello everyone! Jamie and I are back on the Island after being on the road for 3 weeks. We drove to Minnesota and we did it in just over 2 days. We had one 16 hour day of driving and we were glad to get to Minnesota and not have to drive too far for a while! We arrived at my parents just in time for a bbq party for Canada you can see we also added a spalsh of American pizazz for our Canadian boys.

We did many things in Minnesota! Jamie did studying almost everyday at our local coffee shop call Caribou Coffee. Jamie likes to study near coffee and free internet. Since Jamie had to study this left me able to do some shopping, seeing friends, and helping do some wedding stuff and go to some Bridal showers for Annie. We also went tubing down the Mississippi River a few times and Jamie had a few chances to go golfing.

We went to a few parades during the weeks we were there. My cousin Melody was a princess for Monticello so we had a chance to cheer her on at the parades as well as collect candy from the many floats.

We ended our trip by sweating in the car on the roadtrip back to Nanaimo. We stopped in Kelowna to see Jeff & Heidi McNairn and Lauren and Claire. We had fun visiting, eating, golfing, shopping and playing with Lauren and Claire. As you can see they are wearing poodle shirts to go with their poodle hair. So cute!

We are back home now until we return to Minnesota again the end of August for Annie & Ryan's wedding!

Let us know what you are up to this summer!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blogging for Aidan


Sunday, June 3, 2007


Hello from the future winter Games 2010 Venue! We went to Whistler last weekend with Chris & Shannon Gillespie. We stayed at the Chateau Whistler and enjoyed the ammenities of this beautiful Chateau. The pool and the numerous hot tubs were wonderful! Jamie wanted you to know that the lap pool has underwater music for your enjoyment. Shannon & I tried out the eucalyptus (sp?) steam room, but sadly it was too strong for us. We only lasted a few minutes simply because we had to breathe.

We were there during the off season so we didn't go skiing etc... Instead we walked the villages and tried numerous places to eat. One of our treats we had there was from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory - it was a caramel apple covered in chocolate...mmmMMM. It was yummy! The weather was beautiful on Saturday so we walked the whole day. Sunday the rain decided to come so we headed for the ferry early. It was a great first visit to Whistler.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So my sister Annie was here this (last) weekend. She came up for one of Ryan's cousins wedding. She was able to meet more of Ryan's family including Ryan's sisters. She and Ryan had a checklist of things they needed to get done while Annie was here. The big date is August 25th.

The dress I am wearing is her bridemaids dresses, and the one she's wearing are her candleighters dresses. I found the candleighter dresses at R&W for $9.95! Sweet deal! (you know me I love a great deal) You can't read it, but my hat says "Maid of Honor." It's quite funny!


'FOUR' - Here are a few picture of our mini golf night. We had about 10 holes located all around Nanaimo. The weather was great and the different golf holes made the evening very interesting. They were anywhere between par 2's to par 7's. It was a great night for all!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Summer's On It's Way!

Hello everyone! It has been so nice here finally! The sun has been shinning and people are in their summer clothes. Tonight we were able to play youth games outside without rain. (or the threat of rain) We are getting ready for Hight School Graduation. We have about 17 grads this year. We are planning the Grad dinner/program. It should be great! The theme is 'Winer Wonderland'. And Jamie has a golfing day planned for the men in the church...FBC's First Annual Men's . . .Tee Off! It's golf and a bbq dinner. There has been a lot of interest! It should be a great event. We are also going golfing with the Youth next week. It's a progressive mini golf. There are people all across town that are making holes and we are going to each one through out the night. We'll have to post pictures next week.

Who is this guy? Must be from Newfoundland!?

Yup . . . definately EAST coasters!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Beware of Pirates


Dad went to the eye doctor and got a new caterac free lens for his left eye and this is how he came home...looking like a rrrrrrrrrrr pirate. He gets the patch off tomorrow and says he whould be able to see clear and if he needs to get the right eye then he can retire his glasses... cool hey!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Back to the cold

Well we made it back last night at 1:00 in the morning. Our flight was late and then it took 1/2 hour to get our luggage off the plane so we missed the 8:15 ferry. But we had a great week in Hawaii. The beaches are amazing and we checked out quite a few. On Friday one of our books talked about a hidden beach so being the adventurous guy that I am decided to try and find it much to my wife's disgrin. It was a mile and a half walk from the end of the highway. It was a pretty long walk and Kristin was not to happy and told me that the beach better be good or else... boys you know the feeling. Well sure enough we finally made it and well the beach was not that good it was rocky and we couldn't really swim... so I got some dirty looks and we ended up just turning around and walking back. Hidden beach was hidden for a reason...
Anyways here are some pictures for you to enjoy...

Famous Giovani's shrimp in Halaiwa covered in garlic and butter... mmmmmmmm good.

We went to the Dole plantation and had dole whip... also good... that was shortly after the shrimp

Kristin and I at the International market place in Waikiki provided Kristin with her favorite past time... shopping... we would return 3 more times.... ugh!!!

This is a romantic moment on sunset beach captured by the camera... notice the heart... see who breaks my heart below...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Aloha Mano

First we went to the air strip to look for the fusilodge and the drug plane from lost and we found it in a fenced off place behind the airstrip. Kristin and her bad self climbed throught the gate and took a bunch of pictures of the props... That was fun....

So today we had a few adventures...

Then we went back to our suite to bask in the sun and go swimming on the beautiful beach just across the road. We got there an quickly became hot so we went swimming for a while and then back onto the beach to sun tan. Then Chris spotted a turtle so we quickly grabbed our under water cameras and ran into the ocean to swim with the turtles and get some underwater pictures of the turtle. We couldn't find it so Chris and I continued to look for the turtle for about a minute and then I saw it again so I jumped in the water and swam after it. I came up out of the water and Kristin says..."I saw a fin in the water..." So I looked to see another turtle and she says..."No a shark fin..." so I slowly came to the beach thnking she was paranoid as usual. Well after further review we saw it again and sure enough there was a shark not 10 feet from me. We quickly ran and told some others that were swimming down the beach and the cameras came out and this is what we captured...
ps...Mano is hawaiian for SHARK

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Relaxing in Hawaii

Well we are half way through our visit to Hawaii. We stayed a couple of nights in Waikiki at the Hyatt Regency where we ate well and often did some shopping and recovered from jet lag. Then we set out for the North shore where our rental for the week is. Its really nice here it is a basement sweet with a kitchen, living room and two rooms right across the road from sunset beach which is absolutely beautiful. We got some awsome sunset pictures from that beach.
Hitting the beach is a popular thing to do and the surf has come down so I think I will go surfling on friday.

Today Chris and I went for a nice 4 our hike/geocache up in the mountains on Kaunala trail. It was so pretty and had some amazing views along the way. The girls not quite as adventureous did what they did best and went shpping in Honalulu. Tomorrow we go snorkling and to the Luau in paradise cove.

We also scoped out the beach that LOST is filmed on. We walked along the beach on monday for about 45 minutes and saw a bunch of people on the beach and a guy came and stopped us from going any further because they were filming. So the next day we found a secret way to get to the beach the other way and found the set when they were not filming... it was pretty cool to see the set. Also we ran into Sawyer (Josh Halloway) at Starbucks and the girls freeked out all star struck and stuff and got a picture with him. Well all in all we are having a great time in Hawaii. Hope Nanaimo is good and warm... he he he...
Jamie & Kristin ...out in Hawaii

Heres us at Waikiki going to dukes for an amazing all you can eat breakfrest buffet which we tried again the next morning

This is the banzai Pipeline which is one of the biggest waves in the world. They were not as big as they get in winter but still too big for us to surf.

This is part of the lost set... Sawyers tent.

Of course here's the girls with Sawyer (Josh Halloway) boy were they pathetic... "oh I can't believe it was really him.." ugh

And of course here is one of the days we spent laying in the sun... swimming.. laying in the sun... repeat